Sunday, 28 November 2010

A BIG thank you!


I hope everyone had a very enjoyable evening at the Living Coasts last night.

Both the Mayor of Totnes, Cllr Tony Whitty and his wife Caroline, the Mayoress, had a fantastic evening. I know they would not mind me repeating that they both thought the Club was fantastic and everyone seemed really happy and pleased to be there. In particular they thought the interaction and mutual respect everyone had for each other, across the different groups and ages of rowers was commendable and a pleasure to see.

Our other special guest, Hilary Bastone, who many of you know through regatta appearances, press reports and photography of rowing events had a great time and thanked everyone for making such a memorable night. I’m sure we can expect a news item soon.

I must add a BIG thank you to Chelsie and Louise for organising such a superb evening, everything went extremely well; the food was excellent, the venue was inspired and the ease of parking took the hassle out of walking a great distance in the cold.

Tash - thank you for arranging the music. At one point I thought there was a lesson taking place in 'hand gestures for vehicle control' taking place but it was just the ‘Macorana’.

Awards were presented to the Emily Edwards (Best Junior Girl), Simon Kerswell-Jenson (Best Junior Boy), Oarsman of 2010 went to Elliot Barton and the Crew of the Year went to the South Coast Championship winners in the Mens Coxed Four; Meyrick Tooley, James Lovering, Sam Pettitt and Steve Clarke with Maggie Hawkyard (cox).

The achievements of DTARC were briefly commented on by Pete Atkinson (President of WEARA) in a short speech ( it took the total speech time to a massive 28 minutes and 28 seconds I am told!)

I would like to add, on a personal note, there were many candidates considered for each of the awards presented last night. The mere fact that there were so many people to consider reflects the strong squad of remarkable young rowers. The Club has an outstanding and committed junior section. This, in turn, inspires and attracts new rowers.

What makes Dart Totnes ARC so strong is the talent and enthusiasm that extends beyond the teens.... The Veterans provide experience, rowing know-how and a thoughtful approach to the sport. The Novices are willing to try anything and strive for improvement. They are inspired by their offspring; enjoy a social side to the sport and are ever willing to help and assist in whatever way they can. the Coaches are dedicated. Parents (who don’t row) are also a vital part of this Club. Their taxi service is second to none. Their patience is, I am sure, rewarded by the achievements not only on a personal level but also on their collective achievements.

It was this interaction and enjoyment of, not only the sport of rowing but the benefits that a close-knit Club can engender that was very evident last night. That is what our guests recognised at the Dinner Dance and it is all down to you.. Well done.

As if we didn’t have enough fun last night, the plan is to have a Christmas Social on Friday 17th December at the Clubhouse. The word is out. Lets have a(nother) Party!


Saturday, 27 November 2010

Christmas Social - Friday 17th December 1830 - 2330

Hi everyone

The Clubhouse has not been booked for Friday 17th December by any external organisation or private individual....... a perfect excuse for us to gather for a little Christmas social evening.

There have been quite a few members who would like to see the Club being used a little more for the members and so the clubhouse has been booked for Friday 17th December.

It would be fantastic if members, their families and friends could chat, drink, eat and dance the evening away. Fancy....... FANCY DRESS??!!

A plate of nibbles would not go amiss.

Mistletoe and mulled wine? Any decorations would be very handy as well.

Happy Christmas


Friday, 26 November 2010


Hi everyone

You will already be aware thatwe are experiencing a cold snap. Temperatures have dropped to below freezing overnight. Daytime temperatures are not much above double figures!

All rowers are reminded to wear appropriate clothing for any water training session. Listen to your coaches. Heed their advice and keep warm. Use a hat!

Again you are reminded that everyone has to make their own risk assessment as to whether you row on the water or not. Don't forget - IF IN DOUBT DON'T GO OUT.


There is a severe weather warning for Devon on Saturday 27th!! Check the link.

Enjoy your rowing.


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Bacon!


Now that the days are getting colder, the thought of a 'bacon-buttie' after training on a weekend is a mouth-watering motivator, PLEASE, if you wish to avail yourselves of this facility ensure the pan is cleaned and the kitchen squared away after.

The Clubhouse, as a venue, is an income earner for this club. When those hiring the premises are asked to leave it in the same state they find it - who are we to complain when pieces of bacon and dirty pans are reportedly left in the kitchen, for the hirer to deal with.

If you use the kitchen, I ask that you ensure everything is washed up and cleared away, ready for the next user. We must lead by example....

Keeping to the Bacon theme, there are now plenty of members who are looking forward to their 'bacon-buttie' after training. the money raised is very useful for funding a variety of projects and adds to the social side of things later in the morning.

In order to provide a consistent and well managed regime a list will be put up in the kitchen on which 'bacon-buttie' volunteers can append their name with a date they can staff the kitchen. This will only be for a short 'cooking window' and I urge as many people to help as possible. The more people that volunteer the fewer times each will have to cook!! Simbles!

See Martina for more details/information.



Saturday, 20 November 2010

DTARC Events Calendar

Hi everyone

I have now been able to upload information onto the website calendar.

Check out the dates for WEARA regattas next year and other activities such as Training Camps that have been 'penciled in'. Talking of Training Camps, Suzanne Hutchings will be the Club TC co-ordinator. If you have any questions, concerns or just want information about when, who and how the TC will affect DTARC life I am sure Suzanne will be able to help. Again details of TC dates have been uploaded (subject to confirmation).

If anyone else has information or club dates that would benefit from being uploaded into the club calendar please let me know and I will do that for you.

Keep your eyes on the website - there is more 'stuff' being uploaded!


Friday, 19 November 2010

Totnes Late Night Christmas Shopping

Hi everyone

Totnes Town Council have asked us for assistance during their planned 'Late Night Christmas Shopping' evenings to be held on Tuesday 7th, 14th and 21st December. The Town Council have requested of us, a team of Stewards to help between 6pm to 10pm on those three nights. DTARC have been asked if we can provide at least 12 volunteers (18+ yrs) for each evening, but the more the merrier. Their role will be to ensure traffic does not snarl up and pedestrians enjoy the shopping experience.

This event has been logged with Totnes Police and I will be in touch with the organising Officer shortly.

Details of the Totnes Christmas Festival can be found here.

The 'Stewards' would be asked to have mobile phones for ease of contact and will work in pairs – so there is at least one phone between each pair.

Volunteers will report to David Edwards (Town Clerk) or his colleague Ruth Robinson and they will be stationed at the bottom of Fore Street outside the seven Stars Hotel. Alan Langmaid will also be a contact and a source of information. "This has become a big and key Community Event in the Town’s calendar and it was thought better to involve a local organisation than to just go out and employ stewards. The Council would prefer to make a donation to the Rowing Club than to just make payments to employed stewards."

So folks - this is a Community project where local organisations and clubs can contribute to the Seasonal events in Totnes. In return the Club funds will be increased, with monies that would have gone to paying for 'Stewards' now going to the volunteer's clubs and organisations. Think of it as going some way to providing a new boat or an additional Ergo. Well on reflection maybe it's not a good idea to think of more Ergos!!

Anyway, I shall put up some posters around the Club and Boathouse this weekend asking for names of volunteers. I am 'Stewarding' on 7th and 21st December, so if you want to buddy up with an off-duty bobby then volunteer for those two days!

The numbers do not have to be 12, there can be more!

Merry Christmas!



Sunday, 14 November 2010

Club Dinner Dance - Saturday 27th November 2010 - Raffle

Hi there

The Club Dinner Dance is rapidly approaching and by all accounts appears to be extremely well supported. Thank you.

There will be a raffle during the evening and so would ask that anyone that has a suitable raffle prize that they would like to donate to pass it to either Chelsie or Louise or me.

Thank you


Pigeon Holes!


I am looking for some pigeon holes for the Clubhouse in order that mail, letters, notes and other messages can be left for the relevant Committee member/officer at the Club.

Does anyone have a set of pigeon holes that can be donated for club use. Indeed anything that could be utilsed for such a purpose.



You can email me at

REMINDER - Cold Weather & Water Safety

Hi everyone

I wish to remind ALL rowers that with the onset of colder weather conditions and other seasonal effects everyone using the river should be mindful of the following before setting out.

  • You are responsible for your own 'Risk Assessment'
  • The Club will make decisions on rowing based on weather conditions from time to time that may affect all or just certain groups of rowers.
  • You are reminded to wear appropriate clothing for the conditions.
  • Look at the Safety Notices placed in the Clubhouse.
Check out the information on the British Rowing website at the link above or click here. This will give you all the necessary information you need to make that 'Risk Assessment'.


Enjoy safe rowing.


Friday, 12 November 2010

Have your say in setting our Club Rules!

Hi everyone,

Please read the following from Ed on the work being undertaken by the 'Rules Group'. There will be posters placed around the Club as well.

It is important that you have your say and contribute ideas, thoughts and suggestions to Ed and his team.

These rules exist to ensure the Club is run effectively, fairly and with the best interests of the members, equipment and the Club in mind.




We are currently working towards updating the club rules to provide clarification in a few areas where it seems to be needed. A small working group has been set up to look at the options and draft the new rules. It is hoped these will be put before the club membership for approval at the AGM in March.

It is important that all members are comfortable with the changes, and we would like to gauge opinion in a couple of key areas so we can be confident the rules we write will meet with approval at the AGM.

So, if you have any strong views or good ideas then do please let us know. In particular, we would like your opinions in the following areas:


Do we need a new category for members who live a long way away, perhaps students who only spend holiday time here, or second home owners? Do we wish to limit the “rights” of these members in terms of voting and use of facilities?


Particularly with respect to the Captains’ elections, should we be allowing “remote voting”, either by proxy or post or text message even? On the other hand, is it better for the club if we require people to turn up to meetings in order to vote?

Please bear in mind that whatever we decide must be practicable, and we need to be able to write it into the rules in a workable fashion. We will do our best with this, but simple solutions are going to be easier to make work.

Whatever your view, if you want to make suggestions or express an opinion then now is the time to do so. The working group consists of:

Ed Burnett

Peter Rouse

Maggie Hawkyard

Robin Willoughby

Please feel free to talk to any one of us – if you can’t find us then pin a note to the board under this notice with “Rules Group” written on it.

Once we have some draft rules sorted we will be hoping to run them past groups of members to see if we are on the right track. This should be going on in early January, so be aware of this and keep an eye on the notice boards if you want to be involved in the process. Otherwise, we will be circulating the new draft rules before the AGM so you will get a chance to see them before being asked to vote.

Thanks for your help.

The Rules Group

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Autumn Head 2010 - Thank you

Hi everyone,

I have written a letter of thanks to everyone who helped organise and run the very successful Autumn Head last Saturday.

I would like to thank as well all those that rowed in the race. I thought that the weather would be on the difficult side of Autumnal but in the end it was a dry and sunny day.

I have included below the open letter to the volunteers and officials that ensured the 'day went well'. I have also emailed it to those involved and will pin a hard copy to the notice board.




Dart Totnes ARC

Steamer Quay



5th November 2010

To Volunteers

Autumn Head 2010

Dart Totnes ARC

Dear Club Members and helpers

Autumn Head 2010

I would like to say that last Saturday’s Autumn Head was a great success. There were in the region of 200 crews racing in three Divisions on the day. The superb management of safety checks, boating, launching & recovery and all aspects of umpiring and record keeping combined to make this years Head race a most enjoyable if not an exhausting one.

This year the Training Camp that had been running at the Club the week prior to the Race, entered 42 rowers, swelling the numbers. The inclusion of crews from Clubs represented by London Youth Rowing added a new element of competitiveness. The standard of rowing was indeed very high.

There was one capsize in Division 3, which was quickly and effectively dealt with. The location was in that awkward spot that everyone dreads, near to the finish! No one was hurt and passing boats managed to complete the race with the minimum of disruption.

The corralling of finishing boats was admirably undertaken allowing for timely extraction from the river. Traffic congestion outside the boathouse and car park areas was kept to a minimum.

Those of you that volunteered during various times during the day did a fantastic job and I would like to thank you all on behalf of the Committee and especially me. What is a daunting job was made a great deal easier by your help and enthusiasm.

I would like to say a special thank you to Lee and her team of kitchen helpers, who kept the several hundred rowers and their entourage feed and watered during the day. That in itself in no mean feat. Well done.

Also I would like to thank Rory for his hard work in preparing the Clubhouse for the Autumn Head. On top of that, Rory raced in Division 1 and then opened the bar for the remainder of the day!

I would like to end by thanking the Autumn Head organisers, Simon and Pete. The value of a video recorded finish has convinced me that this is now a must even if it means checking and double checking the footage!

A full debrief of the event is planned and will be reported on at the next Committee meeting.

To all the volunteers, thank you.

Ben Larcombe

Ben Larcombe

Club Captain

Last Date For Dinner Dance Tickets

Hi there.

The absolute last date to get your tickets for the Club Dinner Dance is Wednesday 10th November.

See Louise or Chelsie.


Friday, 5 November 2010

Club Committee and other web page changes.....


Just a quick post to keep you up to date with alterations to our website. Following from the recent elections and preliminary review of the website, there are several changes that have to be made to information available to those visiting the website.

These alterations and updates will take a little while longer so please bear with us.

The results of the Autumn Head should be made available very shortly.

If you have any questions please direct them to me or the Vice Captains, Will and Martina. Hopefully we should be able to answer them for you.



Wednesday, 3 November 2010

FOR SALE - single scull

Hi folks
For Sale: Pienert 26 single scull about 15 years old with Dreissigacker Macon blades.

This is a Kevlar racing single scull and is a little weathered requiring a bit of work. The attached photos were taken a few days ago.Due to spending all water time on sailing boats and other craft the owner has not had the time to get this racing scull back onto the water. Therefore all reasonable offers will be considered!

The technical details can be found at this link.

If you are interested please email owner with your offer at


Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Club Dinner Dance - Saturday 27th November 2010

Hi everyone

This is a reminder to everyone that the Club Dinner Dance at The Living Coasts, is rapidly approaching. Louise and Chelsie have put a great deal of effort into organising this event for us. Several of us have already paid for tickets and provided their menu choices.

Please complete your menu choices and get your money to either Louise or Chelsie ASAP!!!!

Lets make this event a really special one. The Club has performed outstandingly this season with fantastic wins at every event Dart Totnes took part in. Lets celebrate those wins and have a great time at what will be a spectacular evening.

I'm sure there will be the re-emergence of Club trophies for 'this and that'.

Support the Dinner Dance!

