Friday, 12 November 2010

Have your say in setting our Club Rules!

Hi everyone,

Please read the following from Ed on the work being undertaken by the 'Rules Group'. There will be posters placed around the Club as well.

It is important that you have your say and contribute ideas, thoughts and suggestions to Ed and his team.

These rules exist to ensure the Club is run effectively, fairly and with the best interests of the members, equipment and the Club in mind.




We are currently working towards updating the club rules to provide clarification in a few areas where it seems to be needed. A small working group has been set up to look at the options and draft the new rules. It is hoped these will be put before the club membership for approval at the AGM in March.

It is important that all members are comfortable with the changes, and we would like to gauge opinion in a couple of key areas so we can be confident the rules we write will meet with approval at the AGM.

So, if you have any strong views or good ideas then do please let us know. In particular, we would like your opinions in the following areas:


Do we need a new category for members who live a long way away, perhaps students who only spend holiday time here, or second home owners? Do we wish to limit the “rights” of these members in terms of voting and use of facilities?


Particularly with respect to the Captains’ elections, should we be allowing “remote voting”, either by proxy or post or text message even? On the other hand, is it better for the club if we require people to turn up to meetings in order to vote?

Please bear in mind that whatever we decide must be practicable, and we need to be able to write it into the rules in a workable fashion. We will do our best with this, but simple solutions are going to be easier to make work.

Whatever your view, if you want to make suggestions or express an opinion then now is the time to do so. The working group consists of:

Ed Burnett

Peter Rouse

Maggie Hawkyard

Robin Willoughby

Please feel free to talk to any one of us – if you can’t find us then pin a note to the board under this notice with “Rules Group” written on it.

Once we have some draft rules sorted we will be hoping to run them past groups of members to see if we are on the right track. This should be going on in early January, so be aware of this and keep an eye on the notice boards if you want to be involved in the process. Otherwise, we will be circulating the new draft rules before the AGM so you will get a chance to see them before being asked to vote.

Thanks for your help.

The Rules Group