Saturday, 26 February 2011

Safety and Boat Care

Hi everyone

I would like to remind all club members that whilst they are using a DTARC boat they are responsible for the care and maintenance of it. This includes the time it is resting on tressels. It has been reported that there have been a few occasions where boats have been returned unwashed at the end of the session or have suffered some level of damage whilst being transported to and from the river.

I would remind members that with that extra bit of care spent whilst handling and moving boats, so avoiding potential damage, the time and money spent in minor repairs is avoided.

Should a boat suffer damage or a problem that the Boatman can remedy please update his wipe-board accordingly. Should there be an incident on the water or at the boathouse this should be recorded (where appropriate) in the logs kept for that purpose on the water safety board.

Let's keep our boats and equipment in good working order, free from damage and the costs or repair or replacement to a minimum.

Enjoy safe rowing with sound equipment.
