Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Totnes & Bridgetown Royal Regatta - Saturday 25th June 2011

Hi everyone

Here is some important information for the Regatta to be held at Dart Totnes ARC on 25th June 2011.

I will email it to those I have already been sent details.

From the Regatta Committee:

General information for competitors/clubs

  • Firstly, a huge thank you to all clubs for their entries. Your support has, however, made it extremely difficult to cater for everyone successfully. Where trebling up and sometimes quadrupling has occurred there are likely to be clashes. This has caused us to consider once again the possibility of a two day event next year, or perhaps restricting the entries in some events.
  • The first 10 races are two-boat events due to the lowness of the tide, whilst the last dozen or so races are non-championship in case we run out of time/tide. There are also several 10min breaks to coincide with the arrival and departure of the ferry.
  • It is a very early start (08:45) on Saturday so clubs are welcome to arrive on Friday. Camping is available as usual and the car park is closed to the general public as from Friday evening. The clubhouse will be open and facilities available. The Bar should be open!
  • There will be a car park and camp site risk assessment along with other regatta information on the Dart Totnes RC website but we would like to stress that trailers only should be in the main car park. The extra car park on the left as you approach the club can be used free of charge.
  • Programmes will be available on the day which will contain safety information and a course map.
  • When carrying boats to the steps for launching please ensure boats arrive STERN FIRST so that they are pointing downstream once launched.
  • There are 146 races to get through (over 20 more than we have managed in the past) so boat management is of prime importance. There will be boat marshals at the steps to assist, but crews are asked to boat quickly and adjust stretchers etc away from the steps.
  • Once the programme is under way the general rule is for launching crews to use the downstream half of the steps whilst returning crews land at the upstream half. Small boats are welcome to use the slipway.
  • There are some events which involve repechages. These are required in championship events in order to achieve a three boat final. Crews involved MUST stay on the water and return to the start in order to achieve their allotted programme slot.
  • Crews cross the river ONLY WHEN THE COURSE IS CLEAR and proceed to the start on the far side of the river. When nearing the start the river narrows slightly so take extra care not to impede the start.
  • Crews will be marshalled in the area below the start. A race MAY be sent off out of order if all the crews are there ready.
  • AT the finish crews are asked to continue rowing and turn upstream from the finish line. Proceed back to the launching steps close to the boathouse bank taking care not to impede the next race. Winning finalists are reminded that they must report to the finish umpires for name verification.


Saturday, 26 February 2011

Safety and Boat Care

Hi everyone

I would like to remind all club members that whilst they are using a DTARC boat they are responsible for the care and maintenance of it. This includes the time it is resting on tressels. It has been reported that there have been a few occasions where boats have been returned unwashed at the end of the session or have suffered some level of damage whilst being transported to and from the river.

I would remind members that with that extra bit of care spent whilst handling and moving boats, so avoiding potential damage, the time and money spent in minor repairs is avoided.

Should a boat suffer damage or a problem that the Boatman can remedy please update his wipe-board accordingly. Should there be an incident on the water or at the boathouse this should be recorded (where appropriate) in the logs kept for that purpose on the water safety board.

Let's keep our boats and equipment in good working order, free from damage and the costs or repair or replacement to a minimum.

Enjoy safe rowing with sound equipment.


Thursday, 23 December 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to DTARC


On behalf of the DTARC Committee may I wish all Club Members, their Families and Friends a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

I am aware that some rowers are keeping to a strict training program over the Festive Period! Others may well be enjoying a break in their program due to weather conditions! Others just enjoying the Holiday...

To all those that will be rowing on Boxing Day, have a great day on the river but watch out for the snow that is forecast!!!

Have a great Holiday and see you in the New Year.

Seasonal Wishes


Totnes Late Night Shopping - Stewards

Hi everyone

Just a quick message to all those club members who volunteered their time to helping Totnes Town Council in their Christmas Festival.

The three nights spent stewarding were really enjoyable and I hope rewarding for those that put on the orange tabard!

A big thank you for those that stepped up to the plate on 21st where snow and ice conspired to keep some of us away!

I have seen a video on You Tube of some singers on the last Tuesday. Well worth a visit! Click here to view.

looking forward to next Christmas now!


Friday, 17 December 2010

Christmas Social - TONIGHT (Fri 17th Dec) has been POSTPONED

Hi there....

Well! It's all very pretty BUT the forecast is for more of the same with temperatures falling tonight. That means ice and tough driving conditions.

It is not only the getting to the clubhouse but also getting home again, in what would be more difficult road conditions.

The only conclusion that I can come to is that the conditions are to
o bad for safe travelling. It is regrettable but my decision is to POSTPONE the planned social tonight. We will try and reschedule another social event at the club in the New Year.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and if I don't see anyone at the Club before then, have a great New Year too.
